Instructions for use ProstEro

Positive results, it is possible to obtain if timely start taking ProstEro and strictly adhere to the instructions, that is attached to it. The violation of the rules of admission may reduce the effect or reduce it to zero.

The medication is available in capsule form.

The capsules must be taken on an empty stomach with water. Reception – twice a day. The capsules are divided into 2 types: colorful and colorless. In the afternoon you can drink a colourless compressed, and the evening color. Tangling them it is not possible, since the principle of operation is different and depends on the characteristics of the biological clock in men.

For each appointment, it is necessary the fresh mortar. The conservation of the fast food of an unacceptable solution. The course lasts 30 days.

More sustainable result can be achieved if take capsules of the complex with a healthy lifestyle.

Directions ProstEro

  • Frequent need to urinate (usually false).
  • The presence uncomfortable and painful sensations in the scrotum, the rectum, the perineum.
  • Problems with ejaculation.
  • Change the quality and quantity of the sperm.
  • The manifestation of sexual dysfunction.
  • Suspicious discharge from the urethra.
  • Pain in the muscles and back.
  • Constipation frequent.
  • The output of the urine in the shape of a drop.
  • Unstable erection.

Many men try to ignore the emitted signals of the body and can live with them for many years, eliminating some of the symptoms with the help of otc medicines. But they are not able to fully restore sexual function. In addition, the result of such careless relation to their health can become a serious consequences, delete, that will be very difficult, and may even be impossible.

Contraindications ProstEro

Like any other product based on natural components, ProstEro has some drawbacks, even if in practice they are and have not been revealed.

  • The drug should stop taking you when it has detected a case of hypersensitivity to make up the substances.
  • The instrument is not suitable for age groups up to 18 years.
  • The active formula is specially designed for the male body, therefore, the application of capsules women is not recommended.
  • It is not recommended to mix the capsules with alcohol, as this can lead to unintended consequences.
  • May increase the dosage. Follow strictly the indications of the instructions.
Harmless composition, numerous reviews and recommendations, the experts advise to eat, strictly according to the instructions. Any changes to the dosage strictly to the recommendations and control urologist doctor.